Sunday, January 01, 2006


Hello, people of the internet! Welcome to the blog designed for game reviews. My name is Kit; I shall be your host for this ride. Your co-pilot on this flight is Yuuki. Don't worry, he has had his shots. However, don't poke him with sticks, he might become aggressive. Our mission on this blog is to review games for you, the passengers on this flight. We will review games as they come out, and if you would like to have a specific game reviewed, write us, and we will do our best to inform you about these games. Do keep in mind that we can only play so many games at once. Besides reviews on new releases, Yuuki and I will write occasional retro-reviews on some of our all time favorite games. Also, Yuuki will provide comical interpretations of some reviews because some reviews just need it. Feel free to leave comments if you disagree with our reviews, and as always, do keep in mind that these reviews are two people's perspectives and you might find a game more or less to your liking than we did.

Now, as your hosts on this lovely new site, we should tell you about ourselves. Enough to let you know our personal biases, likes, dislikes, and maybe a few insanities.

First, myself. My name is Kit, I'm a college student, and I am really a female gamer.

My preferred genre: RPGs. I've been playing since the days of the NES starting with games like Final Fantasy, Crystalis, and Dragon Warrior.
My least favorite genres: Fighting and Sports
My top five games of all time: 1) Final Fantasy 6, 2) Chrono Trigger, 3) Final Fantasy 4, 4)Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, 5)MarioKart (all systems)
As you can see, I'm an old-school RPG player, but I do enjoy new games as well.

Ok my turn, Hi I'm Yuuki I care little for grammar or spelling errors so expect them ^-^. I'm an unempolyed housemate. I pay rent by providing domestic services. In other words I'm Kit's house keeper. My gender Male.

My preferred genre: Adventure/Rpg. I love a good RPG but honestly I have the attention span of a gerbil of crack. So shorter Adventure RPGs are really my taste.
My least favorite genres: Sports games blow...
My top five games of all time: 1)Final Fantasy Tactics, 2) Harvest Moon 64, 3) Super Smash Bros. Melee, 4)Monster Hunter 5) Digimon World 1
I enjoy alot of odd games most people pass off. I'm a bit more modern then Kit tho...she old school hardcore and I'm a scene kid. WOOTZERS!!!!

Our goal is to put out at least one review a week of a recently released game. Also we will write about gaming news, previews, and anythign else we feel is related. As a disclaimer, while we might be able to provide PC game reviews from our friends, it is highly unlikely that we will have these, and we will not take PC review requests.

Thanks for stopping by, and we hope to see you again soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello guys! I really like the theme and layout you picked for the blog. It's simple, clean, elegant, and organized. It's very easy on the eyes and the color scheme is nice. (Reviewing a 'Game reviews' blog go figure.) Wow, and you guys think I write too much.

I especially like Yuukit's comment about grammar and spelling. XD

Hopefully, you guys will do well in this. I'm not very good at reviewing games but good luck to you.

1/02/2006 6:10 PM  

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