Super Smash Bros. Bawl (Wii)

Oh my god! Yay Smash Bros! I know everyone has been really excited for this so let's get going.
Gameplay: You'll have the choice of multiple controllers but I believe in unlikely that anyone can actually play with the wii-mote. So all the controls are the same if your using the GC controller with the exception of the C-stick no longer throwing items which is a double edged sword. There are some other nice new features including several solo or co-op modes and challenges. Characters now more fluidly catch edges, items are auto pick up (double edged again) and combo have been improved to a make them more user friendly. Special remain the same B + directions or while standing and A for general attacks. The addition of Stale move modifer prevents spamming a single combo to win a definate improvement. 5/5
Story: The story is some horrible evil is blowing chunks of the world into another dimension while the villians of the game go around trying to to turn all the characters into trophies. You'll play through all the characters as you go from stage to stage unlocking characters as you go until you've collected them all for the final boss fight. For not being very in depth it displays the game and the characters well. 5/5
Graphics: I wouldn't go as far to say as that they are the best around but they are nice and with lots of fun bright flashed that may cause brain damage, but it wouldn't be as cool if they didn't. An improvement and perfectly set for the wii and the game itself. 5/5
Audio: The collection of music is immense and fun. Lots of your favorite songs from you favorite games and you can set which songs you want to appear on which stages. Characters have the best voices and screams they've ever had. Nothing like hearing pikachu or peach scream as they fly into the distance to no doubt splatter on the backdrop. 5/5
Replay: With so many characters and so much content the game hosts hours upon hours of playtime. You'll likely be spending hours or even days playing the game. If you are true smash fans you've been play the previous since you got it fairly consistently and this will be no different. 5/5
Overall: Okay there are more characters than ever tho some have been removed they are hard to miss. A general balancing has made some of the worst and best characters more even allowing you to win more by skill than by simply being a crazy character. A nice horde of stages and musics. more customizable rules and item settings. The ability to build your own stages all in all this game deserves its score. 5/5
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