Riviera for the GBA

Yuuki here to give you my review of Riviera: The Promised Land. Here's how this will go. I'll just on the basics of the game: Story, Gameplay, Graphics, Aduio, Replay Value, and then end with a overall rating. So let's get into this.
Story: Okay so to start the story seems really good. Gods and Demons were at war and the gods won, but now the gods are gone and the demons are back. So the servants of the gods, the Magi send 2 little soldiers to beat up all the demons and activate some ancient ritual. These 2 are the Grim Angels. This seems good on paper...but then you discover this game makes a desperate attempt to be deep and epic. It fails misserably. 2/5
Gameplay: The gameplay was some attempt to be orginal. Featuring a unique battle and field movement style. Both are interesting at first, but quickly become nothing more than irritating. The fact I need to have technical points to look around an area or the fact I require items to do actions in battle is just plain dumb. OMG I can't throw the switch to stop the water from rising and drowning me because I don't have enough TP...seriously that's just dumb. 2/5
Graphics: For a GBA game I wouldn't have expected much but this looked like a bad snes nightmare. Trying to borrow the pastel soft line style of Phantom Brave and Disgaea. They could have done alot more. Areas had little to no interactivity and the characters could simply swap hair and you'd never know the difference. 2/5
Audio: Hurray something not sucky suck suck...The music and battle themes were actually kinda tuney. Special attacks gave nice little voice bites that gave slight depth to the near depthless characters. I guess that's where all the money that should have gone into graphics and beating the people who designed the gameplay went. 4/5
Replay: I'd rather eat the game then replay it. Playing it the first time is like burning your finger tips with a cigarette bud, so why subject yourself to that. 0/5
Overall: Okay overall this game isn't worth anything. If you really wanna try it download it. The game is good for those kind of people who liked really messed up odd gameplay and are good at those kinds of things. Being this is a game from Atlus I expected alot more, alas "The Promise was broken" as some would say. All in all its really a bad game that tried very hard to be orginal and pretty. Can't blame it for trying but I will burn it for sucking. 1/5
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