Naruto: Clash of the Ninja (GC)

It's me Yuuki here woot. Today I have Naruto: Clash of the Ninja. So I'm a giant fan of the anime and watch it religously but, this game was a travesty on that great piece of Japanese culture. The game is short and not really all that engaging. So here we go.
Gameplay: Pretty standard fighting game combos none of which are all that orginal. Basically a buttonmasher's paradise if you pick the right characters. Basically its taijistsu, ninjistu, and throws. There are specials which look kinda cool but you get bored with them really quick. The fact that once you unlock Rock Lee, which is really easy your pretty much set as he is really unbalanced. Yeah it was stereotypical fighting game. 2/5
Story: It covers basically all of the american released episodes. The Zabuza arc to the begining of the chunin exams. So you have about 8 or 9 characters and like I said all you need is Rock Lee. Not alot to say other than at lease this was right. 2/5
Graphics: This game was released sometime ago in Japan so they aren't grand but, also they aren't bad. Special attacks are kinda nice nothing all that note worthy though. Not bad, not great. 2/5
Audio: They have all your favorite english voices...wait those suck. Yes the game was massacred in translation and ninjistu were put in english and miss pronuced. Some were changed entirely to some kind of mutant hybrid that just hurts to hear. Music was from the show as far as I could tell but as it again is the english covers it also sucked and if I hear him say "Believe it!" one more time I'll kill myself. 1/5
Replay: We played it for about an hour and got bored. I wouldn't even recommend renting this. If you do you can unlock everything in 3 hours and your done. 1/5
Overall: Yeah, we have bad voice acting, okay graphics, easy gameplay, and 3 whole hours of play time. People I strongly urge you to avoid this game like the plague and wait for something better. If you do get it you should only rent it and even then only if you want to commit acts of horror on yourself. 1/5
This is one reason why I do not buy anime games. Dragonball-Z Budokai, Gundam Battle Assualt, Inuyasha w/e come to mind. Well basically I avoid these if I can. -.-
Like you stated, I'm also a fan of anime but games like this are just a slap in the face to the series as a whole. This makes me wonder if that Family Guy or Aqua Teen game will be any good (not holding my breath since that Futurama game was god-awful).
One more thing, I HATE games with 50+ characters (SSB aside). Most of the time, the characters have the same exact moveset but is performed differently or has a different name on another character. Cant perform the Down, Lower-Left, Left move? try the Down, Lower-Right, Right move. yeeaaaaah. >.>
As for the English voice-overs, why the fuck is it that everytime someone like 4Kids gets to dub it, they ALWAYS have the main character (Luffy from One Piece, Yoh from Shaman King, Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh) sound whiny and a high pitched brat like Ash Ketchum from Pokemon? I REALLY hate this and I wish 4kids would just fucking drop off the face of the earth (or hire better voice actors/translators). -.- Let Funimation or Geneon do the dubbing please. They do it right...sometimes. I agree with you on that "Believe it" phrase. I even saw a godamn T-shirt in the mall with that lame phrase and I really wanted to tear it to pieces right there (I was THAT annoyed). What pissed me off is 4kids BUTCHERED Shaman King and One Piece (Yu-Gi-oh was also butchered but at least it didn't have a fucking 'Pokerap' song for the opening and pretty good voice-overs). Both of them were originally very good shows and changing Zoro's name in One Piece to Zolo just made me ask...WHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!?
Luckily, 4kids did not do Naruto but...I'm still pissed at the voiceovers. The names and translation were somewhat okay but come fucking on. How hard is it to get GOOD voice actors?
I can't even watch Naruto anymore unless it's the Japanese original. Much to the same with Neon Genesis Evangelion but thats another story.
THIS is DEAD-ON to what I have been rambling about:
Okay, my rant has officially come to an end. I guess this is called 'Game Ranter's Blog' for a reason. I typed a long one but, whatever.
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