Saturday, February 11, 2006

Samurai Shodown V (PS2, X-Box)

Reviewed by Kit and Yuuki

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This is a remake of the old Samurai Shodown games. There is nothing particularly new to it. There are some new characters.
Graphics: It looks like something you would find in an arcade...ten years ago. It is about the level of SNES. Things move somewhat smoother, but the graphics have not changed. 2/5
Audio: The voice acting was well done. The background music was uninspiring, but not painful. 3/5
Story: It's a fighting game, each character has their own story, but none of them are particularly interesting. Basically it is, we have to go here...fight..go here..fight.....etc etc. 1/5
Gameplay: Fighting is fairly simple. The buttons each do a certain attack, and hitting the buttons in a certain order will do specials. 3/5
Replay: It's a fighting game. Play it as long as you need to kill something and you don't have somethign better on hand. 2/5
Overall: This is just another Samurai Shodown game with little changes. Pick it up if you're a fan, otherwise don't touch it. 2/5


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