Shadow the hedgehog (PS2, XBox, GC) by Yuuki
Hail me for I am Yuuki writer of Reviews!!! Squee!!! Today children I have for you a game that’s been discussed a lot recently, Shadow the Hedgehog. Lots of people sad this game would be crap and was nothing like any of the other sonic games. They lied, are dumb, or some combination. It’s basically just like every other sonic game made 3D only with optional weapons and a new hero.
Gameplay : Alright if you played the last Sonic game you’ll know how to lay this with the exception of now you can pick up weapons dropped by enemies and use them. Hurray another sonic.
Racing around at high speeds is still a major part as Shadow has 2 speeds, stopped and warp 9. Rings are still Rings nothing changed there. The only real new feature is the different paths you can take. Though like I said none of this is anything really revolutionary. 3/5
Story: Hurray now you can find out about the little black hedgehogs past and why he says “Maria” all the time. So depending on which of the 5 paths you take you get 1 of 10 endings. I won’t spoil them for you. So yes play this if you’d like to know where little Shadow came from. If you don’t care then get Sonic Adventures for the GC or Dreamcast, cause well its better...its has Chaos. 3/5
Graphics : These look nice. Enemies and cut scenes are done well and your little black hero and his wavy Ferra hair look nice too. Lots of shiny objects, brightly colors beams/lasers/crap flung at you, and expanses areas. Especially the space levels which I hate but, they look really freaking awesome.
Sound: Voice acting check. Music check. SE check. Hmm...everything in this department is done well. Though nothing particularly stood out it was all very in time and appropriate. 3/5
Replay: This is the games shining grace because, if you want to get all the ending you have to beat the game ten times. I personally am happy with 4 maybe five endings but, I am also personally lazy
Though for someone who wants to se all the aspects of our black friend here beat the game 10 times there’s only like 5 stages per path it doesn’t take long. 4/5
I've heard great things and I've heard terrible things about this game. I guess it's one of those 'love it or hate it' genres. I haven't been very much into the 3D Sonics as I am a sucker for old-school gameplay but this one here looked very nice.
You explained that the gameplay is the same as a regular Sonic game only you can use the enemies weapons? If the gameplay is the same then I might give this one a try. I haven't been greatly fond of the developers slapping a freaking gun onto licenses that are popular with kids but I guess they decided to mature it a little?
Once again, a great review. Keep em coming!
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