Suikoden Tactics (PS2)

Yo people welcome back. Today I have a game known as Suikoden tactics. If your fan of the series the majority takes place only a few years after 4. If your not a fan then shush and read.
Gameplay: Alright I am a huge fan of both Suikoden and tactics games. This is basically like any other tactics game. You move, they move, someone does something, and then everyone dies. Well not that simple but you get my drift. The game does share some nice features that can be both annoying and really useful. One being the elemental ground. As in stand on the wrong element get hurt and stand on the right kind and get healed. Another feature i grew to love is the fact that not story characters can die in combat and not ever come back. This isn't a bad thing because by the time you get all the good characters you'll have way more than you need so kill some. 3/5
Story: Alright Suikoden games always have good stories. Lots of deep plot twist and stories that arc threw the games. Like Why is Jeane still alive and hot...seriously she's like 200...This game is no excetion. Your father is investigating Rune Cannons and at some point gets turned into a fish monster and dies. You then take hold of Kyril (the son) and his friends and begin investigating. Which leads to all sorts of trouble and of course a plot so deep you can't see teh bottom. 5/5
Graphics: Suikonden games haven't ever had teh best graphics, but they've never had bad graphics. Tactics is no exception. The game has just so so battle and character graphics. Though the opening looks nice and important characters speech windows are accompanied by nicely drawn headshots. This is nothing new to the series though. 3/5
Sound: Ok I'm never really one for audio as I don't pay the best attention. This game though got my attention the opening song was beautifully composed. Voice acting was excellent hands down some of the best casting. If your a fan of the series you'll like what they done. Battle music, ambience, and great suspenseful melodies to go with the cut scenes. 5/5
Replay: Alright I personally didn't have enough time to really replay the game, but I wanted to. Partly because I missed things and I kinda wanted the 100% and secondly as I wanted to see the differences added into the game+. So I'd recommend a replay especially if you have Suikoden 4 data. It let's you get Snowe and Hero. 3/5
Overall: This is a good game and a nice new flavor to the series. Though it doesn't have to much to do with the main plot of the Suikoden as a whole its still pretty good. Its fun for the most part though sometimes you'll find yourself going off to level as fast as you can as enemies are mildly unbalanced sometimes. Also you'll prolly do a more than a few battles more than once trying to keep characters alive and trying to get the strat. right. Though is you like Suikoden or really like tactics games get this if not then procede at your own risk. 3/5
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