Gutiar Hero PS2

Yuuki here giving my review of Gutiar Hero. This is a little old but I had heard good things and decided to give this one a try.
Gameplay: This game is simply a test of hand-eye coordination. You simply hind the shoulder and X button in thiming with the notes as they pass on the screen. Normally this is something I tend to shy from but the game is really quite addicting. If your a psuedo rock fan of the last 20-25 yaers you'll hear alot of songs you know if not you can just have fun with it. On your own its not really that great you simply go through career mode unlocking more songs, guitars, and characters. The game is truly fun in parties where not only do you get the joy of watching people mess up and yell about it you can also make fun of their terrible singing. 4/5
Graphcis: You can't say alot about this as its not the focus of the game. It is in no way overly flashy or spectacular but it is cool. You get the joy of watching your possibly drugged up character flail away on the guitar and if you do well enough you get some nice pyro-technics. 3/5
Aduio: THis is where the game shines. I personally only knew a little more than half the tracks but none the less they were all fun songs. You can enjoy playing the game just listening to some of your more preferred songs. There are some really great songs from alot of popular artist sung by the Guitar hero bands. 4/5
Replay: Like I've said it is a party game it most enjoyable to play when with friends. The game will probably get cheap soon and you could probably find it for $10. Just a good game for a good night with friends. 4/5
Overall: Simply a fun party game you could easily kill a few hours playing rounds with a group of friends and just pissing around. Some of the songs can be a bit obscure and other aren't that great but its stilla good game and I recommend at least renting it for a fun night. 4/5
Rofl! I KNEW my Gradius skills would come in handy. Hand-eye coordination woot! See that Jack Thompson? You can LEARN from video games. Oh em freaking gee! :P
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