Godhand (PS2)

Hey its Yuuki with Godhand. The arm your going to want to chew off like a rabid dog in a trap. Okay that's mean but I feel its justified. The game really is just short and compact. No much advancement in character or story. So let's begin the suffering...I mean review.
Gameplay: The games contols are really simple. Walk, punch, and special. The only problem is that there really is no way to manipulate the camera other than running in a circle to get it to face the enemy that's beating you from behind. Another problem I found is that you must face normal thug types, and then they occassionally turn into demons. This is fine except the demons are insanely more difficult and unless you get really familiar with the game quite quickly they are going to have their way with you. So expect to die on the first and second stage a couple times unless you have a crazy learning curve. On the plus side I am sure fans of the genre will have no problem beating their way through. 2/5
Story: I'm tempted to just type "is it even needed". I won't but still. So the basic concept is your the godhand chasing down bad guys and this demonic council in some neo future western loooking place. You have the lovely Olivia who is pretty much sending you into dangers and is always finding inventive way of getting you to fight. This is kind of bland. The more interesting part is seeing the our hero Gene tell her he thinks the big muscular badguys are sexier than her or telling the almost naked Demonesss than he doesn't want to sleep with her cause he prefers the look of boys. It's never really clear which side he's playing for but its entertaining to see. 3/5
Graphics: your character and basically the 5 other important people look cool. Then you have 5 generic enemies and 3 area that basically they changed the color of some building and switch the map around a bit. In the end its all the same place. There is a nice hand full of specials but nothing really great they are just normal combos with a flashy light on them. 2/5
Audio: Saving grace everyone needs one. This is the voice acting cause the music was so eh, I don't even remember it. The voices were good and with the funny banter of the character only makes it better. They didn't really haul in any big names for this one but the people they got were at least commited to not sounding like a moron. 3/5
Replay:There are 3 modes easy, normal, and hard, which you unlock by beating normal. There are also some bonus mission that unlock a bit of content but to be honest once you get the hang of the game you can get all of it in 8 hours tops. That is to say losing the first and second level 10 times doesn't just make you eat the CD. 1/5
Overall:To be honest I expected more since the game is by Clover and they usually pull through. So unless your a true fan of the genre or of the crazy challenge the game presents you with unless of course your crazy good at this yourself. Then avoid this one. No reason to waste money even renting it. Why spend $6 you could use on something else more fun? 2/5
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