Sunday, October 01, 2006

Samurai Warriors 2 (PS2, X-Box 360)

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So tonight we have both of us reviewing a game. The game Samurai Warriors 2. So let us begin.

Story: Based off of historical Japan, with of course have been altered to suit the gameplay. While there are stories to each characters, none of them are particularly important, and you will probably find yourself skipping through the story information. 3/5

The music is good. It suits the atmosphere well. Also some of the music is recycled from the first game, which is nice for nostalgia. The voices are hit or miss though. Some are improvements over the first game; some are horrible horrible accidents of nature. Pronounciations are done well. 4/5

The cutscenes are amazingly beautiful, and the ingame graphics aren't too bad either. There are still some issues with too many people on screen so not all of them show up. If you are playing in one person mode, the screen slows down for the death blow. It's very nice to see them going down. 4/5

There are some new variations to the old gameplay. Instead of having ranged attacks with the R1 button, now you use special attacks designated for each character. As in the previous Samurai Warriors, you pick a character to play and then go onto the battlefield to kill hundreds of people. Killing is simple, you attack using either a basic attack, a charge attack, or if your musou bar is filled, a special attack. You are given missions to perform to earn money (money is used to buy skills, bodyguards, horses, or upgrade your weapons). Missions are not done with any particular effort anymore. Sometimes you won't even find out about a mission to do unless you are right next to the target you have to kill. Also, most missions are not individualized for the character. You're just as likely to get a particular kill mission with Hideyoshi as you are with Ginchiyo. Besides the story mode,there is also Survival mode and Sugoroku. The former involves you taking a character up a tower full of enemies and do missions for bonuses. The latter is a board type game where the goal is to earn a preset amount of money. 4/5

If you want to unlock all the characters and their 4th weapons, you will need to replay the game. Luckily, it is good for replay, if only to try out the different characters and their move styles. Also the game is good with friends. 3/5

People will either find the game way better or way worse than the first game. It's an entertaining game, and if you like Dynasty Warriors or Samurai Warriors, then you will probably want to pick this up. 4/5


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