Super Monkey Ball 2

Yuuki has returned from my long vacation/Crisis center for nintendo employees. So today on my return I bring you Monkey Balls not normal Monkey Balls Super Monkey Balls!! Hurray so let me begin.
Gameplay: Okay this is terribly silly game. Your a monkey in a little ball rolling around crashing and bumping your way to fame in the monkey kingdoms. The game play is simple roll and roll and for the love of god keep rolling. You have 4 characters to choose from but there isn't much difference in them that I found. Basically its a simple game with simple controls and monkeys, oh yes you roll around in a ball hurray. 3/5
Story: You'll take on the role of one of the super monkey ball team and help the monkey king as well as the other monkey people in random tasks and solving the general problems. I can't say its very in depth as typical to a game basically about rolling you solve most issues by rolling. There is the occassional puzzle which requires more skillful rolling but its still rolling. 3/5
Graphics: I must admit the game is quite pretty with lots of little nice shiney graphics and pretty cool setups for your rolling frenzies. The only complaint is the areas aren't exactly giant and there is a crazy about of loading screens. It drags down the nice cute graphics with its stupid loading times. 3/5
Audio: They make cute little monkey sounds to talk yay and the music is cute little monkey music. after about an hour it goes from cute to slow suicide. It's like being at a zoo full of monkeys screaming and freaking out only with less well you know. 1/5
Replay: Okay this game is more for younger people who haven't developed motion sicknesses yet. Everyone else will make it a good hour or two before the lack of plot and rolling gives them cancer. 1/5
Overall: It may have seemed like I was mean, but no I actually liked this game until it got boring which sadly doesn't take long. The multi player is cute and entertaining but the novelty wears off quickly. The weird camera nad insane rolling will make most people sick. Though if you can stand that and are a fan of something sonic like you'll prolly really enjoy this game for a bit. 3/5
Rofl! Nice Flyff avatar. XD
Sega rocks and Super Monkey Ball is no different. I've played the original and loved it to death. Can't really say anything for the sequal. You're telling me there are loading times on the GCN? IMPOSSIBLE!! The GCN is load time friendly. Nevah will there be loading times!! Pimp out the loading times!! I'ma Loading on...okay I'll be quiet now.
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