Sunday, August 20, 2006

Big Brain Academy (DS)

Reviewed by Kit
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Another delayed review, but Yuuki and I just got back from the beach Friday, so we needed some time to play the game. Today's choice is Big Brain Academy, a game designed to make you use more of your brain power. Does it work? Let's find out.

Story: There's a little creature that tells you that this game increases brain weight, but really, no story. And none needed. 1/5

There is some background music that suits the mood, but nothing spectacular. One of the tests has sound effects, they're cute, but nothing great. 3/5

Again, the graphics aren't that great, but you don't really need them to be. Everything has a hand-drawn cute look to it. 3/5

This game depends on use of the stylus, so get used to holding it. There are three modes in the game: practice, test, and versus. Obviously the versus requires you to to have someone to play against. Practice mode allows you to test yourself using any of the 15 different possible aspects of the test section. You can earn medals by performing well in any given section, plus you can choose from three difficulties. In the test section you have to do five tests, each can pull from one of three types of puzzles in that section. The five areas that will be tested are: memorize, analyze, compute, think, and identify. You are given 60 seconds to answer as many of the problems as you can. They get harder the more you solve them. Once you have done all five sections, the little character will weigh your brain based on how you performed. He will then give you a grade. As you play more and practice more, you grade will improve. There is nothing so enjoyable as getting a better grade. Gameplay is simple and effective. 5/5

You will want to play the game many times, if only to improve your own grade. It will eventually get repetitive, but it's definitely fun for a while. 4/5

It's a great game that's simple and fun. It's not exciting, but then again, that's not it's goal. It wants you to use your brain, and you do. Good for passing the time. 4/5


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I played through the minigames on Mario 64 DS and frankly I was hooked on them. In fact, I spent the time loading my DS JUST to play those minigames over the actual game.

Brain Age is extremely popular and it's not even a game so to speak. More like a fun test. lol. It gets your brain working and that's an extremely good thing every now and then.

8/23/2006 9:35 AM  

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