Friday, June 23, 2006

Rampage: Total Destruction (GC, PS2)

Reviewed by Kit
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Okay, my summer semester is now over, but as I just spent the last two nights writing essays, I don't feel like writing a long review. So, we're going to make this short and sweet, and if Yuuki wants, he can add some more details later.

Story: It's not a fighting game, exactly. You play giant monsters destroying cities. Perhaps you've tried it in the arcade once. Have fun destroying the world. 1/5

Graphics: Not bad. The monsters look decent, the buildings look decent, the people running in fear look decent. Towns get repetitive, but there is enoguh variety. 3/5

Audio: Again, decent. Not bad, not great. The random comments made by the people you eat are amusing. My favorite is "You can't do that, I'm a lawyer." 3/5

Gameplay: You climb buildings and punch, kick, and roar at them. The goal, destroy the towns. You have a life bar that can be restored by eating things...including people. In multiplayer mode, you try to be the character that earns the most points by destorying the town. The best way to earn points, get bonuses by destroying floors on buildings in succession. In campaign mode, you destroy the cities while attempting to meet certain qualifications. By meeting these qualifications, you can unlock new abilities for the monster you control. Also more monsters can be unlocked by bringing certain characters to certain cities. 3/5

Replay: It's fun to play until you get tired of destroying towns. Good multiplayer, but single player loses it's appeal quickly. 2/5

Overall: It's an entertaining game. Great to paly for a little bit until the repetition overcomes you. The best way to play is with friends, which means beating each other up more than the buildings. Recommend for people who liked the original or people who always wanted to destroy New York. 3/5


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing is, they have to schedule the monster's ramgages. I mean seriously, how does Tokyo keep up with it all? It's a conspiracy I tell you!

I liked that comment "the people running in fear look decent." That was awesome and made me lol. Omigawd! I don't look good enough to run in "complete and total" ph34r!! XD

6/24/2006 4:30 PM  

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