Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Two Worlds (360, PC)

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Ah the joys of blogger, a few issues here and there, and had to sign up for a new gmail account, but it's all good. Anything to put off school work. That said, let's get to reviewing. This will be a short one, and Yuuki should have something posted later today as well.

Story: Your sister got kidnapped and your trying to save her by fighting off baddies and donig missions. It's very opened ended, the main plot isn't what you'll probably be focusing on. 3/5

Audio: The voices were painful. Very very painful. And they tried to do accents but clearly had no idea how. The music was fine though. 3/5

Graphics: The most appealing part of the game. they looked good, but I wouldn't go so far as to say they wowed me. Still, it's better than nothing. 4/5

Gameplay: What do you do in this game? Well you run around flagging quests and killing things with the single attack button. In the 360 case, it's the trigger button...*trigger trigger trigger* Very exciting. Of course that's not all there is to the game, you also ride a glitchy horse, craft potions, and enhance weapons. And as one reviewer said, there's two views to the map, too far and two close. Dont' depend on that if you're trying to figure out where to go. The quest screen in the 360 version is also horrible to figure out. I think it told me what to do and where to go, but it was so small and scrunched to the side, all I could see was the horrible map. Also, if you're playing offline, you get to pick between a male human and a male many choices. There is customization, but it's haphazard at best. You pick eye color, hair color, hair style (all of which has a whopping 3 or 4 choices) and then you can do some minor work in changing the shape of the face. 2/5

Replay: God no! I could barely play the first time. 1/5

Overall: It tries to be a open ended non linear rpg where you get to do whatever you want. It fails miserably. While I don't want to compare it to other games, I'm sure you can think of another such game on the 360/pc...that one is much better, play that instead. 1/5


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