Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Dragon Quest: the Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors (wii)

Hey all. Late review, I know. No excuse. Oh well, suffer and read.

Story: So you're the son of a hero, and on your 16th birthday (apparently in DQ world 16 means time to save the world) you are sent on a trial to prove your manhood. Bad things happen, a great evil threatens the world. You and your band of friends go to save the world. Generic rpg plot. Nothing amazing about it. 3/5

Audio: The music has that standard DQ soundtrack, which is of course beautiful. Also certain characters are given vocalized lines. They all have European accents. The sound is good. 4/5

Graphics: They are well done cell-shaded graphics, that suit the atmosphere well. The environments are well-developed too. 5/5

Gameplay: The gameplay is based entirely on the wiimote. Not the wiimote and nunchuck, but the wiimote. This makes movement tedious, as you have to use the directional pad to move. Going forward isn't so bad, you can use the B button too, but you have to use the right and left buttons to turn around. Combat isn't too bad. You basically point and slash. You can set a point as the area you'll attack as well. Holding down the B button pulls out your shield, which can wear down eventually. The game focuses on one town where all your needs are met. You will go to the weapon shop and temper your weapons in order to make them better. Overall the gameplay isn't bad, but it's not great either. 3/5

Replay: There might be some benefit to replay, but I don't think enough to make it worthwhile. 2/5

Overall: The game isn't bad, but your arm will get tired with all the wiimote swinging, you will get irritated at the movement, and you will want more. Still, for some casual slashing fun, it's not too bad. 3/5


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