Friday, March 31, 2006

Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop (DS)

Reviewed by Kit
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Tamagotchi, a game designed to suck you in for hours raising an annoying little creature that will never really become anything. Of course we've all played some version of this at one point or another. And here's a version where you don't raise the little bugger. Instead you open a shop, or multiple shops. There's no real purpose. It just seemed one day your tamagotchi wanted to run a shop. Anyhow, let's go.
Graphics: Nothing really impressive here. Your tamagotchi looks like somethign a five year old drew. All the little critters do. 2/5
Audio: Cutesy at best, grating at worst. You quickly decide to turn down the volume. Also it is either very loud or very quiet. 1/5
Gameplay: This is a game highly dependent on the stylus, so if you hate the stylus, don't pick this up. No matter what shop you open you will have to make use of it. Most involve rubbing the stylus on the touch screen, some involve dabbing it. Simple enough to do. A bit tedious at times, and it certainly gets boring quickly. 2/5
Story: As I said before there isn't much of a story. You open a shop. You have only two choices at first. A dentist office and a laundry mat, and oddly the dentist office is the least income producing business. And the most tedious. Every few customers your tamagotchis father will show up in a disguise and give you money to expand the business. After two expansions of any business, a new one will unlock. Then you can move your operation somewhere else. 2/5
Replay: The game gets boring before you even finish upgrading all the shops. It could be good, but the repetitiveness is horribly obnoxious. Still, if you want to unlock all the furnishings for your own home (no prupose) then go on and play with those shops some more. 1/5
Overall:It could be a good game. Certainly the premise is neat. But the choices are small and the jobs are tedious. If I wanted to iron shirts all day, I'd actually get a job at a laundry mat. Some of the shops are cute. I highly recommend the flower shop. It gives you almost complete control on what you do. I say that the music store is horrible, unless you ahve a great sense of timing. If you really want to play, rent it. Otherwise, it's not really worth the time. 1/5


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had the original Gameboy one. Yes, there was an original Tamagotchi. >.>

Let's just say I took it back within 10 hours after wasting x amount of dollars on it (probably the ONLY game I took back to the store within hours other than Emperial Fantasia). I'd rather have the LCD pocket ones then these pos games.

As for the DS version, it looks like it hasn't improved if at all from the look of the review. What has it been 5-6 years since the original was out and this is all they could come up with? Bah! Fuck you Bandai!

4/04/2006 5:58 AM  

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