Digimon World DS (NDS)

Okay boys and girls I have a treat for you today. It's called Digimon World DS. Now for those of you that don't know Digimon are little digital A.I. that live in the Digital World which makes up the free space of the computer network. Digimon live and eat and grow in their on little world and occassionally call on humans and team up to save both our world and theirs. While most people may think "Oh its just a pokemon rip off." Your wrong Digimon is much older than Pokemon and most other monster Raising games. It started as a litle key chain pet here and over in Japan it was a cell phone pet a little while earlier. So Let's Begin.
Story: The story starts with your character investigating the internet rumors about seeing monster on the computer. He/She ends up getting sucked into the digital world and becoming a tamer. From there you get to befriend, raise, battle, and adventure with your digimon. All while trying to figure out who is causing trouble in the digital world. 4/5
Gameplay: This the 5th game in the series and they fine tuned alot of the problems of the previous games. You start off with picking your first partner and then go off to adventure around. You get new digimon by a number of ways. You can simply run around encountering them and collecting scan data, gaining 100% allows you to go convert the data into a digimon. You can also trade with friends or breed to get eggs and then hatch them. THe gameplay is pretty easy, fight digivolve and then degenerate back to previous form and digivolve up a different path to become even stronger. There is also the Digi-farms you buy and upgrade to drop your digimon off at so they can level up while your off with your other digimon. 4/5
Graphics: Ok so the graphics are nice since if your a fan you get to see some of your favorite digimon from the shows, card game etc. Though they could have done better for the NDS. Battle animation are all kinda similar which brings the thyrill of having unique digimon come down a bit, but not enough to really warrant dismissal. 3/5
Audio: A nice thing about the game is that if you've played the previous ones you'll find it has music from some of the best areas. If you haven't then you'll still like cause digimon music is still really cool. Other than that there's not alot here for Audio no one has voices and other than your general SE nothing makes sound. 3/5
Replay: Well theres a game plus and the fact that you can play thru and choose several different digimon party combination. Add to the fact the dungeons later are confusingly fun and pretty long you can get lost in them all over again. If the new digimon combination doesn't interest you there is always the Arena. 4/5
Overall: So this is a pretty good game and for not a lot of money in has a nice amount of playtime and entertainment value. Both of which are increased by having a friend with the game to breed, trade, and battle with you. Digimon are fun little critters and I feel people should play this game if for no other reason than just to pass time cause its a good way to do that. 4/5
Um...I do not like Digimon. Never have and never will. Okthxbai. :P
I don't remember Digimon being older then Pokemon. Then again I never cared much for either's history. Hell, I still play Pokemon every now and then but that craze was insane. 1995/96 remember those years? Dayam how time flies.
My brother was a Digimon fanatic and I was playing the Pokemon games. He would always get into an argument about how Digimon is better and I just said I didn't care either way. That always bugged the crap out of him that I never retorted. ^^;;
Man, I miss the good ol days.
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