Heroes of Mana (NDS)

So today I have Heroes of Mana from the Mana series. The first RTS of the series let's see how is did.
Gameplay: Like any typical RTS the game requires you to go out collect resources and use them to fun your army. Build facilities and train troops. You also have hero characters which are well rounded and much more powerful then normal units but they usually require protecting as losing them will result in losing the battle. This aspect is fair at best. 2/5
Story: A good base for a story evil, heroes, and a good progression of the story and characters the main problem is all these things seem a little lacking in the depth department. Most of your characters are dry and lazily written. 3/5
Audio: Most of it I would simply call noise. There are some musics from the orginal games which add a nostalgia but even then its out of ear out of mind. 2/5
Graphics: They did good here with nicely rendered areas allies and enemies. Getting to see your favorite little rabites and what not prettied up a bit is again nostalgic. 4/5
Replay: The games battle are long and usually require you to simply wait around for the next wave of enemies to spawn and then run them over and wait for the next wave and this takes a serious tole on one's patience. 2/5
Overall: This game was really half way done. Most battle just require you to but the right types of units in the right place so that when the enemies spawn you run them down. SO you either get a guide and know whats coming or you luck out. On most battle fields if you are unlucky and lose your advantage of unit types you don't have the resources to make up for it and you quickly get over run. All in all the slow gameplay and general theme being make as many units as you can, run the enemy over again and again just doesn't satisfy. 2/5
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