Thursday, October 09, 2008

Multiple Reviews

I've been very bad about updating. On one hand I've been telling yuuki to post a number of reviews for a while, but that shouldn't excuse my own failures. So here are brief, but not too short reviews on the last few games i've been playing.

Infinite Undiscovery

Story: You look like some great revolutionary, so when you're thrown in jail, the revolutionary's little sidekick rescues you. From there you are thrown into constant battles. You continue on this journy mostly because people wont let you do anything else. The story is more than just generic, it feels forced. It's unrealistic on a human level. 3/5

The characters have voice overs, most of which don't work that well. The music isn't bad, but it's not impressive either. 2/5

The graphics on the game are well done. I've seen better, but I think the game made good use of the 360's capabilities. 4/5

The gameplay at first seems unique and entertaining, but as time goes on you realize it's not. you can only control the main character, so to makethe other characters do particular moves you have to go through a sequence of buttons to pull it off. This is nearly impossible in the heat of battle, so you rely on the AI to do what is necessary. Your menu occurs during real time, so if you go into it during battle, you can still be attacked. There is a crafting system, that is not bad, but not amazing either. 3/5

I don't see a point. 2/5

The story was meh, the gameplay meh, and the dialogue had some serious issues. not that it was bad, it just felt forced. I seriously wouldn't recommend this game, but if you're desperate for an RPG on the 360, go ahead and rent it. 2/5

Lock's Quest

You play Lock, a young, well essentially he builds things, who lives in an isolated seaside town. One day an army of evil machines comes and attacks your town. The story isn't that great. 2/5

The sound is ok, nothing amazing. 3/5

The graphics are very low key. It's teh DS so I don't expect a lot, but I know it can do more than that. 2/5

The premise of the game is that you build defenses to keep the enemy machines from reaching X goal. It's rather unique and kinda of fun. One problem is you only have a certain amount of time each round to build and repair defenses. Another issue I had was that sometimes when i just wanted to repair a wall, I'd end up moving it or rotating. 3/5

I don't see much need. 2/5

It's a cute game with some interesting ideas. I don't think there are that many flaws that break it, but i'd probably recommend renting first. 3/5

So that's all I have right now. it's possible there was another game I'm forgetting. Either way, expect a HM: Tree of Tranquility review soon.


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