Monday, December 01, 2008

Once again...Mini reviews

As you might have noticed if you visit regularly, i haven't updated in a while. And as yuuki is even worse about posting than I's been empty. So here are some games i've tried out for you.

Princess Debut: Cute dating/dancing sim that gets repetitive. I want a more dating sims to come over so I can see what they're like, but as this one centers around dancing, it gets tedious. Oh yeah, the story: your parallel self is a princess who hates dancing, so she trades places so you can dance at a ball in a month. You do so, meet 6 princes, dance dance dance. worth renting if you want something light hearted and plotless. Probably wouldn't buy unless you can handle mass repetition.

Master of Monster Lair: Hilarious dungeon crawler that becomes tedious quickly. Story: you accidentally take a shovel that you were suppose to deliver to people, making you in charge of the caves near your town. By the way, the shovel talks. Also, the mayor doesn't want you just to clear out the monsters in the cave, he wants you to dig deeper so the caves will become a tourist attraction. everyday you go in,dig walls, build rooms, and fight monsters that appear in the rooms. Fun and silly at first, though involves level grinding soon thereafter. Worth renting, possibly buying.

Time Hollow: Point and click mystery. Story: You play a kid who wakes up one day to find his parents are missing, and no one remembers them being alive. Discovering a weird pen, you discover that you can make changes into the past. It's an interesting story that i think loses cohesion at the end. Has the possibility of replay, but the story doesn't change. Worth renting. It's too short to buy.

Dokapon Kingdom: Cute party type game. Story: You are a hero who is sent to save the kingdom and earn money. The worlds are laid out in a board gametype design and you have to roll to reach you goals. You can save towns, fight monsters. your character levels up. It's a fun game, better with people. With any type of board game, there is a level of random luck. recommend if you have friends to play with.

So there are the games (DS, DS, DS, Wii). I'll put a full Fable 2 review out later this week, and Yuuki should put some more mini reviews up.


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