Spy Hunter: No Where to Run (multi-system)

Alrighty then, Yuuki here. So yeah I played Spy Hunter featuring the Rock. Hmm...well let's just get started.
Story: So you play a spy named Alex who is designed after and voiced by the "Rock" and you drive a crazy spy car and go around doing all those great spy things. You fight terrorism and blow up tanks and such all good but not really much of a story here. 2/5
Gameplay: The controls are moderately simple and everything is pretty easy to handle. Drive, break, shoot etc. Occassionally you'll be running around on foot which is where it becomes run, duck, shoot, beat to death with a piledriver. This is where the game should be good but its not. Your car tends to just get ripped apart and aiming and firing your gun is worthless. Its far easier to run up and maim an enemy with a fire axe of a sledge hammer. 2/5
Graphics: This is bad too sorry to say. The car looks awesome and shiney but everything else is basically at the lowest quality possible. Characters look rubbery and movement is no where near fluid or even remotely real looking. 2/5
Audio: I don't even remember the game even having music and other than going "ooo that's the Rock talking." there really isn't anything special here either. 1/5
Replay: Okay there isn't any replay value here at all. This is mean to say but the game is crap quite simply. I wouldn't waste the time to play it again. 1/5
Overall: Alright I know I may seem like I am being harsh. Seriously though this is in almost everyway a terrible game. Your super awesome spy car with all its gadgets and such is apparently made of paper as a few machine gun rounds kill you. When running around guns are basically uselss as even three shots to the head doesn't kill most baddies and it really is easier to just maim them with your fists or an axe. You'll often die and have to start the entire level over again. There just really is no goodness in the game. If you wanna play it rent it for 5 bucks don't waste anymore than that on this game. 1/5
I love the Spy Hunter series (especially #2). It's like GRADIUS, no story but you shoot the crap out of things for no apparent reason other then 'It's threatening the universe so you have to stop it'. Sort of like puzzle games. No real reason but to solve the actual puzzle. XD;;
What the fuck? So they took a perfectly good series such as Spy Hunter and 'Grand-theft-Autoed' it up? Bad move! Very very bad move! Spy Hunter is not fucking Grand Theft Auto damnit!! It's supposed to be a Gradius on wheels. Seriously, that's completely retarded. It's like Gradius in taking away the Vic Viper's options and instead having the ability to 'transform' (Transformers reference) into other ships with different abilites or something similar. You DON'T FUCKING DO IT!! Oh, now I can get out of my car and beat people up that way. If I wanted that, I'd fucking play Grand Theft Auto or a series that's KNOWN for those elements. They made this mistake with the Driver series *cough* Driver 2 *cough* and tried to rectify it by shitting up the core gameplay. (Driv3r)
The Spy Hunter games have always looked t3h awesome but I think this game is not on the 'wow factor' as the previous games were. Probably because it looks the same. I loved the older games in the way they looked because these were earlier PS2 games from the system's prenatal days. This is what year 6 into the PS2's life? At least update the look a tad as I'm sure they've matured in their programming skills.
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