Thursday, February 22, 2007

Inuyasha: Secret of the Divine Jewel (DS)

Reviewed by Kit
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A day late, but that's ok. I'm sure you all weren't dying of anticipation.

Story: A new classmate of Kagome's finds herself drawn into the well and appears in feudal Japan. Shortly thereafter she discovers she has the power of a god locked inside of her, and demons are hunting after her. With the help of Inuyasha and friends she goes in search of what all of this means. The story's not great, but it gets you moving from place to place. 3/5

Audio: The music is taken from the anime, and sounds very nice. 4/5

Graphics: The graphics aren't spectacular, but characters all have their own anime portrait which is nice. Also, special attacks have brief animated clips which are appealing. 4/5

Gameplay: You can use the stylus for the game but it isn't necessary. The map is kept on the top screen while your status/inventory menu is kept on the bottom. You have HP and EP. EP are a number of bars and doing actions in battle will drain them. Each round you will restore a EP back. There is also a moon err...thing that shows the phasese of the moon so that when it's new, a certain half demon turns human. Though there probably isn't more than an average RPG, it feels like random battles are very frequent. You'll occasionally pick up items that you can use, but there is no descriptions of them, so you don't know what they do. 2/5

Replay: No reason to replay, I wouldn't recommend it. 1/5

Overall: The game is another failed attempt to make a videogame out of an anime. I'd pass on it, if I were you. 2/5


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