Guitar Hero 2 (PS2)

Hey boys and girls it's Yuuki with my review of Guitar Hero 2. Not much is changed here so there isn't alot to talk about.
Gameplay: Alright the game is simple. Just hit the notes when they come by. The notes are either cords on the guitar attachment or the shoulder buttons and "x". As you play through you unlock more songs and difficulties. It's all the same as the last one. 3/5
Story: The story is basically nothing. You can pick a character and go through the career mode which takes you from venue to venue. 2/5
Audio: This is where the game shines but thats because its the focus point. The songs are fun tho today's audience may only know a few of them. But even though the songs are different its still the same as the previous version. 4/5
Graphics: The graphic are sub-par at best but they don't really need to be flashy. The games general fun overlaps them pretty easily. 2/5
Replay: After you unlock everything its fun to get family and friends together to play and sing along all these great and obscur songs. It's got good party value but sometimes feels stale. 3/5
Overall: The game is basically an extension of its previous version. No real new content other than a few characters and songs. It's just the same and if you've played the first one the novelty of the new songs wears off quick. 3/5
You guys should check out Elite Beat Agents for the DS if you're into those rhythm games. :P
I haven't played it (nor do I want to) but I heard it's good.
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