Monday, December 18, 2006

Dead or Alive: Extreme 2 (360)

Reviewed by Kit
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Sorry for the delay, I got home from work yesterday and was completely exhausted, so I decided to well, delay this review. I'm sure you all quite understand.

Story: Zach has gathered all the girls from Dead or Alive, telling them different lies to get them on the island and watch them play volleyball. That's it. 2/5

The girls have obnoxious voices, but luckily you can change them to Japanese, which are slightly less annoying. The background music is in the game, but if you have songs saved onto your xbox you can play those instead. So for background music, it's all you. 3/5

The graphics are very beautiful. One complaint might be the the breasts, yes a lot of the game is designed to ogle the hot girls, or if you're a girl, to play dress up with moving barbies, but the breasts move on separate engines, which mean they move in ways I've never seen breasts move before. It's absolutely terrifying. Other than that, everything is very pretty. 4/5

The gameplay is very simple. In volleyball you have to worry about two buttons, the red and green, these will determine if you pass or hit over the net, spike or softly roll the ball over. It's not difficult, but it will take a few rounds to master these. New to the game are various other mini games such as jet skiing, flag racing, water sliding, and butt bumping. While you can jet ski at any point, you need to buy tickets to do the others. You earn money from these games which you can use to buy new bathingsuits, better jet skis, accessories, or presents for the other girls. Building up friendships is key because if your partner doesn't like you, she won't try nearly as much to help you with the volleyball, that is, if she hates you, she's much more likely to let the ball drop beside her than moving a foot to hit it. Simple, but not boring. 4/5

You can replay to be the different girls, who all have different strengths, or you can keep playing to unlock more bathing suits and better jetskis. It's a game designed for lots of replay. 4/5

Overall, this will be a game you either want or you don't. Most objections come from the fact that the game focuses on insanely voluptuous women with skimpy clothing. There's more to it than that, but I don't expect to change anyone's minds. If you liked the first, pick it up, if you didn't, then don't. 3/5


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