Sunday, December 03, 2006

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (All systems)

Reviewed by Kit
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Nothing to say for introduction, so let's get right into this.

Story: Super villains have united into a a group known as the Masters of Evil and are led by Dr. Doom. Their goal, to take over the world. Luckily you are a band of super heroes under the direction of Nick Fury. The plot isn't fantastic, but it goes into the worlds of many different comics, and for this type of game it's entirely suitable. 4/5

: The graphics look nice. They suit their purpose, and there's not much to say about them. 4/5

: Each character has sayings that they'll use when they level or kill an enemy. These are suitable for the character, though some of them become annoying. The music for the levels isn't good or bad, it just is. 3/5

You control four heroes at a time. Three will be on AI while one you directly control. You can switch to any of them using the directional pad. At save points you can also swap out who is in your party, and from the beginning a good selection of Marvel heroes can be used. If you have a party of a known Marvel team, then you will get some sort of bonus as well. As you run around the maps you can destroy a good number of objects, some yield items, some are just fun to destroy. You collect money that you can use to upgrade your skills. As you progress through the game you'll find alternate costumes for your heroes. These costumes have skills attached to them that you can also upgrade. Gameplay is simple and easy to handle. 4/5

The story remains the same, but replay might be fun if you bring in friends to join with you. 3/5

The gameplay is good, the characters are fun, and the story, if not great, is suitable for this game. I'd recommend it for people who love comic books, people who like playing games with friends, and people who just haven't gotten enough of Wolverine. 4/5


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is one of the games I'd like to get for the Wii. Normally, I don't play marvel games but this one looks fun.

12/03/2006 7:06 PM  

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