Contact (DS)

Hey guys and girls Yuuki had returned and today I bring you Contact. Also known as Atlus touched it so its most likely gold.
Gameplay: Alright Contact uses very simple controls. You can either move and touch things with your D-pad or click on them with you stylus and watch Terry go. The game also has some cute little add-ons like cooking. Each being unique and giving the game a great feel. 5/5
Story: You play well you, and using your DS you communicate with this neat little doctor guy and help him get the power cells for his ship back by directing and assisting the young boy Terry. The story and plot can be alittle lacking at times...and the doctor doesn't give the best instructions luckly the game is simple enough you can discover it for yourself. 4/5
Graphics: The game seems to use two different annimations. The one for the doctor and his ship. Another for almost everything else. The doctor and his ship are vibrant and cartoony and everything else feels flush and painted. The art style is very intriguing and enjoyable for both. 4/5
Audio: The game has cute music but that's really it. It's good and cute but seriously theres no depth to it and its easily ignored. 2/5
Replay: The game isn't long nor is it exactly short. It seems to have just enough in it to satisfy you and then dosn't really hold the appeal to keep playing again. I'd vote giving it to a friend to let them enjoy the experience. 3/5
Overall: Ok I am a bit of an Atlus fan but they have made mistakes before. Though this is not one of them. The game has few flaws other than in can be vague in its instructions of what to do next and it seems to only be appealing to a certain audience. Though I highly recommend this game. 4/5
Finally, a Contact review. I am currently in love with this game (after playing it on a friend's older DS.) and I have a copy coming in the mail right now. Should be here Tuesday. ^^;;
Funny how Amazon lists DS media as 'CD-ROM' when it's really a 'Flash Cart/Card'. Hmm...weird.
One minor note, I'm diggin the music. :P
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