Saturday, December 23, 2006

Touch Detective (DS)

Reviewed by Kit
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So since I'm out of town tomorrow, I'm going to post this today, and since I'm in a rush to go out of town now :D I'm going to make this short and sweet.

You are the daughter of a famous private investigator. He died some years ago, and now it is up to you to earn the money in the family. You then hire yourself out to solve mysteries for the people in your town. The story isn't great, but it is all that's needed to move the gameplay along. 4/5

The music is cute, it sutis the game. It's nothing outstanding. 3/5

The graphics are nicely done. They are a very unique style of being very dark looking while at the same time being very cute. 4/5

This is a stylus heavy game, but unlike some, it utilizes the stylus well. You move around with it, interact with objects, and touch things. The main character likes to touch things for a homework assignment she has, so randomly start rubbing objects to find out what they feel like. Unlike some games, the areas you have to interact with to move along do not have a different coloring than the background, so you don't get to use that as a hint. you solve mysteries by talking to people and investigating your surroundings. Often the mysteries must be done in steps. Step one meet this person, step two, use this item to do something, step three, find these items to have your butler make you a new tool, step four, talk to this other person. Usually you have a good idea what you must do, but sometimes it can be difficult to figure out. The bottom screen is where all your interaction takes place and the top screen has a picture of the main character, and while she's in conversations, her true thoughts will appear there. They are often very humorous. The dialogue is very entertaining, it's funny and amusing, and the butler especially is hilarious with his incredibly dry wit. 4/5

Once you beat the game, there's no reason to play it again. 2/5

Overall, this is a great game. I'd highly recommend it for a younger audience, maybe 10 or so. Older people might enjoy this as well. If you like problem solving then this is a good one. 4/5


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'd highly recommend it for a younger audience, maybe 10 or so. Older people might enjoy this as well."

Hmm, and not the mere fact that it's rated EVERYONE-10+ correct? :P I still think the E-10+ rating is completely pointless. I mean really, it says 'Everyone' so long as you're 10 years or older. Hmm, isn't that just a little bit condescending? Why don't they just call it 'PT' for 'Pre-Teen'? Then again, that would refer back to the 'Everyone' rating. Man I just love finding loopholes in a clusterfuck of an asinine system. Meh, I think the ESRB is retarded since parents don't give a shit what their kids play. Yet they wonder why they grow up to become serial killers. Stupid deluded people.

Upon retrospect, I d/ced the other night and never got a chance to wish you a merry Christmas.

Merry Chrimahanukwanzaka and/or Decemberween. Also have a happy new year of 2007. Continue to make reviews and I'll keep reading/commenting. ^^;;

12/24/2006 12:26 AM  

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