Sunday, February 18, 2007

Paws & Claws Pet Vet (DS)

Reviewed by Kit
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So, we're trying to catch up on the reviews that got delayed. Today is the only day we'll do two at once, but we're going to do reviews on Wednesdays again for a few weeks until we've gotten to that equilibrium point. Anyway that said, let's review this game.

Plot: You are a young female vet out to become a great vet by expanding your business. it's not a great plot, but really it doesn't need to be. 3/5

Audio: The music was ok. Nothign special. 3/5

Graphics: The graphics are fairly decent. The main character walks around her grounds. You can see customers coming in and out. When talking to people, they each have drawn graphics. The graphics are pretty decent for the DS, realistic and well done. 4/5

Gameplay: The purpose of the game is to improve your vet practice. You'll have to buy medications for you patients and wait for clients to arrive at your office. Treating each pet will earn you some money. As you earn enoguh you can grow your practice in a variety of ways. You can increase your building sizes, add new buildings, or take courses to be able to treat more animals. The days work on a clock, clients will show up only at certain times during the day. When treating a pet, you will have some dialogue discussing the symptoms and treatment. You will then treat the pet according to the guide. Once you build pet houses you will have some patients that stay multiple days, which means you must remember to treat them daily as well as feed them. The gameplay is simple, but not necessarily easy. 4/5

Replay: While the game is involving and entertaining, it's not necessarily something you'd replay after you unlocked all the achievements. 2/5

Overall: The game is surprisingly compelling. It is definitely aimed for young girls. The balancing of pet care and running errands and working in the vet clinic make the game something worth playing. 4/5


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