Sunday, February 18, 2007

Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles (PS2)

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Hey guys Yuuki here with my review of Naruto: the Uzumaki Chronicles. A fun game in a fun seires which seems to have a bad habit of ruining excellent Japanese games. Did they ruin this one? Let’s find out.

Gameplay: Ok you will be playing Naruto as well as an assortment of his ninja buddies. As you run around beating up bad guys you have a couple different abilities, these include Ninjitsu and Taijitsu. Each character has different skills and you’ll have to balance them to make them work to your advantage. You also have a skill chip system. Using these you can customize your characters to be the Ninja you want with tougher attack or better Techniques. 4/5

Story: The basic Story is your Naruto and you run around going through the everyday life from the anime. You’ll go on missions meet and recruit your ninja buddies and in general beat things up. The story is hit or miss at sometimes especially in relation to the anime and manga and sometimes a bit kiddy. 3/5

Graphics: The game is like a living version of the anime. Areas and landscapes look just like the show and are fun to run around in. Characters and enemies look good too though at times can feel a little generic. 3/5

Audio: As everyone knows I hate when US companies ruin Japanese products with bad voice acting. This is no exception simple put even if you had never heard the Japanese the English are still terrible. Otherwise the game is still only sub-par at best the music is drool and the voices are only worse. 1/5

I can’t seem this game really being that replayable. In all truth most people will just either get bored or annoyed a quit early. 1/5

Overall: Here it is. The game is fun but the novelty wears off and the characters become annoying. The main fun of the game is being the different characters and seeing all there techniques but this wears off soon. I’d say just rent this if you’re a fan you’ll get bored with it soon enough. 3/5


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to love Naruto. I really did. I stopped watching the English dub a long time ago because I was fairly annoyed with the voice actors. Seriously, they make me want to beat my head with the broad side of a baseball bat...repeatedly; or as a baseball bat can do to inflict mortal wounds upon one's brain because they've already obliterated my cognitive ability to think coherently. It's pretty much a replacement to that god-awful older DBZ English dub but not as atrocious. I'll credit to their ability to suck kids into stupid mindless dubs. Upon retrospect, they could've use some better funding for it.

Whatever. Clearly, I'm not a voice actor so I haven't any right to complain correct?

2/18/2007 11:56 AM  

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