Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (DS)
Reviewed by Kit
So then, hi and welcome. Today we'll be looking at this unique DS game that is stylized like a film noir. Let's get to reviewing, shall we?
Story: You take on the role of Kyle Hyde, an ex-New York cop who quit his job 2 years ago and desperately searches for his former partner while working as a salesman. One day he is sent to Hotel Dusk in order to retrieve some lost items for a client, a side job of his. Once there he discovers that everyone has a secret, and some secrets are connected with his former partner. The entire game is extremely plot heavy, and it's an interesting mystery plot to get sucked into. 5/5
Graphics: The characters in the gameare all given a hand drawn sketch look while the backgrounds are more 3D style. Each of the characters has a series of poses to reflect their mood as they're talking. Overall the graphics aren't so much as impressive as they fit the game atmosphere perfectly. 4/5
Audio: The music for the game is gritty. It fills out the detective story plot well. Like the graphics, the audio not perfect in itself, but with the game, it's good. 4/5
Gameplay: In order to play you hold the DS on its side almost like a book. With the touch screen you control where you walk and if you interact with your surroundings. You can also go into your inventory screen and notebook screen from this menu. The right screen will show you what Kyle is looking at. When in conversation, Kyle will be on one screen and the other person on the touch screen. Occasionally you will be able to hit an icon on the touch screen to indicate you have more to ask the person about that topic. The challenge of the game is the puzzles, which often involve using the touch screen. These puzzles are sometimes easy and sometimes insane to figure out what the game wants you to do. 4/5
Replay: There is a plus version of the game, but other than a few changes, it is essentially the same thing. 2/5
Overall: This is a text heavy game that is very good. if you like puzzles and mysteries I highly recommend it. if you want action or can't read, this is not for you. 4/5
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