Brave: Search for the Spirit Dancer (PS2)

Alrighty guys and girls here is what they call a tragedy. Brave had potential but falls sadly short.
Gameplay: Basically run around charge up whack stuff in the face move on. Get an ability use it once to get a certain item move on. Find a strategic series of dangerous jumps and get killed by the game. The abilities of the game are good like charming animals or doing magic but they weren't developed to their fullest and feel short. 2/5
Story:Little native american village peaceful and quiet...Giant poorly design flaming skeleton appears turns everyone into zombie and our hero Brave must go find a spirit dancer so defeat the skeleton and return everyone to normal...that's really it there's nothing else the end. 2/5
Graphics: Again something that needed to be polished. Most of the time I felt as though this was just a top notch PS game but no its a crappy PS2 game. Everything seems to just be done at the minimum. 2/5
Audio: To be honest I'm not sure there was if so it wasn't audible over my cursing the game and its camera. What audio I did here was good not great but an acceptable tone for a sub par game. 3/5
Replay: Plainly and frankly I didn't wanna play through it the first time. So I doubt anyone will play it a second. 1/5
Overall: The game is only truly suited for younger players. Those who are still innocent enough to not get annoyed with the terrible cameras and go on a killing rampage. Every ability you learn is quickly abandoned for something new and equally underdeveloped...So is you have some one young and innocent with free time hand it to them otherwise avoid it like the plague. 2/5
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