Rogue Galaxy (PS2)

Hey boys and girls its Yuuki here and I've been up all night playing Rogue Galaxy. A nice little Rog about space and pirates from our friends at Level 5 or as some know them "The Makers".
Gameplay: Let's see...well basically it plays like any other RPG. Run around get into fights and kill things. Though the game has a nice real time fighting arena most of the time you'll find yourself wondering where you actually are. The AI is well programmed and even helpful definately a nice change of pace from previous games in general. 3/5
Story: A main point in RPGs. Here you are a kid of gets wrapped up in being a space pirate and then in some destiny, world saving events. Here in Rogue galaxy you'll notice the story is relatively predictable and the most of the story feels tired and used. Characters also seem a little thin and lacking in the background. 2/5
Graphics: As with most games of these days the graphics are actually really good and give you a feeling of playing an anime of some other actiony cartoon. The game does a good job of spacing out its graphics not to many crazy over the top cutscenes that make the less programmed cutscenes look like claymation. 4/5
Audio: Yay audio that's not sickening. Here's why the music at first is kinda blah but then starts to get really cool as you run around space and be all piratey. Also you have the joy of hearing some of your favorite voice actors from other games an animes. They really have a pretty good cast. 4/5
Replay: The games isn't exactly short and I never determined if there was a plus game but do to the story not having that much merit I wouldn't suggest a replay atlest not anytime soon. 1/5
Overall: Okay here are the goods and bads of this game. Its fun but the plot is dry. Characters are entertaining and exciting at first but soon lose their luster. The graphics and audio are both pretty good but they should have been used to a little better for character develpment and general plot touch ups. So here's what I say The game is actually fun but I wouldn't pay full price for it. There are better things to do with your money but if you see it used I'd pick it up if for no other reason than because it has Xiahou Dun in space. 3/5
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