Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dance Dance Revolution Universe (360)

Reviewed by Kit
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Just a long day, so let's get this over with.

Story: For the most part, there is no story. You just get on your dance pad and dance. However, in quest mode, there is a bit of a story where you are trying to be the greatest dancer in the country. This is also a way to unlock more songs. Not much of a story, not much of a story needed. 2/5

Audio: Music is an essential part of the game, and this one delivers. Not all of the songs are that great, but there is a variety, and everyone should be able to find at least one they like. My favorite is the one that remixes Castlevania music. 4/5

Graphics: The graphics aren't great, but you don't need stellar graphcis to enjoy. All you really need is to be able to read the arrows as the scroll over the screen, which is easy enough to do. You have the option to change your dancer, or get rid of the dancer completely. 3/5

Gameplay: If you've played one DDR, you'll have no problem with this. Basically get on your mat and do as the arrows indicate. The actual moving requires some effort and skill, but after time you to will be able to jump around without looking completely foolish. You can adjust the difficulty and settings from the song choice menu, so you won't have to worry about going back and forth. Besides the game mode, there is also quest mode, workout mode, and others. All of them involve dancing around, of course. With this DDR you can go into xbox live and play against friends as well. Simple, yet addictive. 4/5

Replay: It's a great party game, good for friends, and a nice workout as well. Plus with the 360s gamer acheivement records, you'll want to play again and again to unlock them all. 5/5

Overall: I recommend it for peopel who like videogames and want to do some sort of physical activity. So if you like DDR and have a 360, this is a good buy. 4/5


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