Samurai Warriors 2 Empires (PS2/360)

Alright its Yuuki here with a review of Samurai Warriors 2 Empires. A game with a lot of fun and a really long name.
Gameplay: If you've ever played any of the Dynasty or previous Samurai Warrior games you know how this is handled. You basically run around maiming all the enemies until you own all of Japan. There are also these nifty little tactics that function in a Rock Scissors Paper sort of way that you can use to get a jump on your opponent by trumping there's. 4/5
Story:There really isn't to much of a story mostly because, though you can follow the first bit of the game historically someone is going to mess it up. Normally its you and sometimes the A.I. just gets bored and goes on a killing spree. 3/5
Graphics: Not much of an improvement on either systemns though the 360 looks quite nice. The flip side of that is the graphics are only minorly important to the joy of the game. 3/5
Audio:Great music and some pretty cool voice actors. But its nothing that wasn't in the games less strategic counter part. 3/5
Replay: So many things to unlock from art to movies and events. Weapons, characters, and so much more. The game can provide hours or even days of fun. 4/5
Overall: Alright here it is. The game is fun and theres a good amount of content to unlock and play around with. The main problem is that its not much differnt from any of is dynasty counter parts. It falls short on uniqueness and sadly the good gameplay doesn't pick up the slack. 3/5
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