Growlanser: Heritage of War (PS2)

Growlanser games have been around for a few years now and have picked up a good amount of popularity. So will Heritage of War keep pace?
Gameplay: The game spends a lot of time making you go from point A to B and back to A again. The joy of this though is that battles are fun and with the addition of the knack system your team can be whatever you want them to be. The knacks system is a board of zigzaging skill plates that when set and leveled up will teach your characters attack skills magic and passives. Allowing a high level customization. 5/5
Story: At first you might think that story is a bit dry and predictable as you play through several prologue stories to get to the main one. Sadly you're more or less right and the main story seemed to have a bit of that too. Then out of now where it throws you a curve ball making all that predictable dryness a lot more interesting do to the little things that seemed unimportant before. This is how the story works with high low fluctuating keep you more entertained. The story could have had a solid high drama plot but too much is a bad thing. 4/5
Graphics: Even though most of your time with you characters was spend watching their polygon forms run around the map it wasn't really a big deal the designers did a good job at making sure they all kept their uniqueness. The game also boast a lot of animated cut scene that tho a bit short are really good and help remind you how awesome all the characters look. Towns and Areas are nothing spectacular but they aren't bad either they could have been better though. 4/5
Audio: The game had excellent voice acting as well a good fluid sound track. The characters where really brought to life by an excellent voice acting team something that seems rare these days. It's always refreshing to find a game that probably sacrificed a little on graphics to make voices and other audio worth it. 4/5
Replay: There is a game plus and a lot of fun side things that are easy to miss or forget. The game's story is just enough to make you play it the first time but maybe not a second. So if you feel as though you missed out by not doing some of the sidequest you probably did go back and do them. 3/5
Overall: Let's see the A.I. for you team is amazing. The cut scenes combined with the amazing voices and soundtrack make the story and characters feel more real. The knack system especially later in the game allows complete control over your characters if you want one to be a fighter, healer, and more there a lot of possibilities. So all in all its another great game in a great series. 4/5
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