Soul Nomad and the World Eaters (PS2)

Yay Nippon Ichi and NIS team up to make a fun little tactical fantasy game filled with entertaining characters and fun gameplay. Here we go.
Gameplay: So the game will start you will choose a name and gender. From there you will go about creating and sending units into battle against hordes of enemies and a few giant monsters all of which have the capability of laying you out rather quickly if you are careful. Units are made up of 4 to 9 characters 1 of which is a leader. The units leader has advantages and disadvantages against other unit types. With all the different units it'll take time to figure out but it makes the game all the more fun. 5/5
Story: The story goes basically you get possessed by the hilariously entertaining death god Gig. From there as you go through defeating the world eaters which once served Gig. So many of the characters and interactions through the story are just so entertaining though the scenes can run a little long. The game also has a lot of subtle depth as you watch the characters and world slowly shift around you. 4/5
Audio: The music is okay nothing great, few battle themes are truly that inspiring. But the game is almost fully voiced and so many of the characters were voiced amazingly adding more to their individual depth and development. 4/5
Graphics: This game is another sparkly animey game like all its priors. The game relies more on being entertaining then pretty and thus it leads modest graphics. Scenes are told through still of the speaking character and animation in magic and special attacks is at its best as always. 4/5
Replay: The game is fun and well rounded between story and gameplay. It has a few ending and some bonus content but the novelty has worn off by the second play through and bonus content won't be enough to drive everyone to play a second or third time through. 3/5
Overall: In the end this is an awesome Tactical RPG with great characters a good story and plenty of entertaining dialog. The game plus stuff may not be the best it the world and isn't for everyone. This though is a truly entertaining game for those that like tactical RPGs. 4/5
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