Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bladestorm: The Hundred Year's War (360, PS3)

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Hey boys and girls. Today we're reviewing the latest game by Koei. And since I have nothing to say here, let's start the review.

Story: You are a mercenary during the historic Hundred Years' War. If you know your history or not, this war is between France and England and lasted longer that a hundred years. Your job as a mercenary is to take contracts to help one or the other. You don't have to stay on one side; in fact, the game requries that you do jobs for both countries in order to move the story along. Story wise there's not a lot, but you don't really need a lot. Plus, you'll get some historical information about the war, which can be good. 3/5

Audio: The music during the battles has an epic feel, which I liked. There is also voice acting for most of the characters, and I believe this is really well done. The characters all have voices and accents that seem suitable for them. It's good audio. 4/5

Graphics: The graphics are amazing I feel. Battles take place across one giant field with no slow down as you run around. Your character displays any new equipment you put on, and cutscenes with your character show it in whatever outfit you have on. 5/5

Gameplay: The gameplay of Bladestorm has a very different style than most other games. Your job is not to pull off the most impressive combos with a series of buttons, it is to find a unit of soldiers that will best hurt that unit of soldiers over there. You can use any unit that you have a book for. These books allow you to upgrade the skills and equip items for the units. Each unit has strengths and weaknesses. my favorite unit is Poleswords which are strong or average to most things. The one thing i fear with them is knives...those little thieves will kill my unit in no time flat. When next to an enemy unit you hold down the right trigger to have your unit attack. Also, you can use the three special attack buttons that require recharge afterwards. If you have enough kills then your guage will fill up allowing you to go into zeal mode. This means everything falls before your troops. They are faster, stronger, and meaner. You can switch units at will be going near another unit and hitting the proper button. Battles are segmented into days. After a certain about of time, nightfall comes, and you have to deploy again. Any base you've already captured remains yours, but all officers return and that base you were workin on...not weakened anymore. Outside of battle you go to a tavern and can buy newe recruits, new gear, and hear rumors or advice. This is also where you accept contracts. It's not bad gameplay, but it really grows on you. 4/5

Replay: Whiel the story line remains similar, you can replay to try battles from the otehr side. 4/5

Overall: The game is something different from anythign else I've played. it took some time to figure everything out, but it was worth it. There's nothing like earning money for looking hot and claiming cities. 4/5


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