Puzzle de Harvest Moon (DS)
Ok, so I have lots of things I need to do, so I'll make this as short and sweet as possible.
Story: This is a puzzle game, hence the title. There is no story. 2/5
Audio: The music and sound of the game is somewhat light and cutesy like all HM music. It doesn't really stick in your head when you're done. So it's neither good nor bad. 3/5
Graphics: The graphcis aren't horrible, btu they're not somethign to write home about. On the other hand, this is a puzzle game, and you don't need amazing graphics to play. As long as you can see whateverythign is, and you can, you're in good shape. 3/5
Gameplay: In theory Puzzle de HM is a very simple game. On the right hand side of the screen you have inventory that randomly appears including seeds, watering can, fertilizer, baskets, and animals. You plant the seeds on the field, then water them, then fertilize them, and once it's become a vegetable, you harvest it with the basket (or running the stylus over it quickly). If you were playing by yourself this would be completely simple. However, you play against 3 other characters. They are all doing the same thing as you. Which means while you're panicking to figure out what to do, they're using their computer brain to handle it all. So, I found it was easier to let them do all the work and steal the vegetables when they sprouted. One game takes you through the four seasons and the person with the top score wins. You can also play this with friends, which might be more fun than the computer, if only because they'll be as confused to what they're doing as your are. 2/5
Replay: As a puzzle game you're expected to play again and again. As a tedious game, you're expected to lpay a handful of times and then throw it away. 2/5
Overall: I had played a demo of the game and liked it, so when I got my hands on an actual copy I was very sad. What seemed simple and human-paced turned into somethign simple and so fast-paced that I couldn't figure out what I was doing. Of course there are those of you who might like the fast-paced challenge of this, and if so, more power to you. I'll stick to my games that I have an idea of what is happening. 2/5
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