Monday, December 10, 2007

Orcs & Elves (DS)

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Hello, sorry it's late, I've been busy this weekend. So here it is, the review of Orcs & Elves.
Story: Orcs and dark elves teamed up against dwarves and elves and had a huge long war. With your handy talking wand, you must trudge through dungeons to help the kingdom. Generic dungeon crawler plot. 3/5

Audio: The music isn't bad, but it's nothing special. 3/5

Graphics: The graphics look a bit blocky, but theyr'e decent. You can see what you're looking at and get an idea of what's around you. Mood decor is added to the stages, like insects near corpses and goo splatter from dead monsters. it's not amazing, but it works. 3/5

Gameplay: It's a first person dungeon crawler. The bottom screen is dedicated to your menus, the most useful being the map, while the top screen shows what your character sees. You walk around killing monsters, destroying objects, and solving puzzles until you make your way through the dungeons. Occasionally you'll fight a boss, shich means you needs lots of potions. Between levels you can go to an area known as the dragon's lair and buy equipment and items from the dragon. She'll even let you negotiate the prices. The game goes like that, explore dungeon, use potion, talk to dragon, rinse and repeat. 3/5

Replay: It's a fairly short game with a linear progression. I don't see much point in replaying. 2/5

Overall: It's not a bad game, but I'd recommend renting over buying. 3/5


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