Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Okay here we have the newest installment of Mario. So let's see how it did.
Gameplay: First off you'll quickly discover the camera is clearly glued to Mario's back side except on the occasions you need it to be. The wii-mote and nun-chunk will be your tool for this one and for the first bit its not bad, but after about 20 or 30 minutes of twisting your wrist into knots you'll hate it. The game boasts a fully 3D enviroment and you can move around in all sorts on weird ways as you walk straight, left, right, and any other direction. 3/5
Story: I'm betting everyone can guess the story Bowser finds the most recent form of huggy squishy love power in this case stars (sound familiar) and corrupts it for his own goals i.e. kidnapping the princess. So mario runs off to collect the huggy squishy lovey stars and his favorite damsel in distress. 1/5
Graphics: The game is bright colorful and the stages have inventive designs. Graphically the game is extremely pleasing but once again seems like another case of the pretty girl being not so pretty inside. 5/5
Audio: The audio to is actually really good classic and new mario themes play all of which are catching and entertaining. Hearing Mario hoot and woop as he jumps around or brains enemies is nice too. 5/5
Replay: The game is long depending on how you play it. If you try hard I am sure you could squeeze 40+ hours out of it and is you are a crazy person with amazing wii-mote skills and a short attention span you'll get around 20. 3/5
Overall: Alright here it is the game is another successful and depressing success for nintendo once again they have released another game and said looks its Mario ignore all its flaws because its Mario. Once you take away the shiney graphics and look at the fact that its basically the game as all the last Mario games in its line its really not that exciting. If you are saying what about the cool multi dimensional movement...well if you think about it hard enough you'll realize you aren't actually moving in some bizarre 5th dimension but you really aren't. So in terms of a Mario game this deserves a 5/5 but in actual gaming...3/5
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