Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ranting by Yuuki

So I just finished reviewing Mario Galaxy hurray it was a glorious success at nothing and will most likely net Nintendo millions and millions of sales. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against Nintendo or really any of the companies...which is a lie but we'll come to that later. Yes Galaxy you are a glaring rehash of all your previous installments and once again you rely on 20 minutes of novelty and being a gaming icon to keep people entertained. Maybe I am jaded or maybe this is a load of horse **** but can we try to not rely on past success and maybe go somewhere slightly more original. Next on my list is the Wii-mote at first I hated it then I loved it then I hated it...Here is the problem far to many games are being forced you use the wii-mote all for the sake of using it. Games that could easily benefit much more from not using it. Strikers is one of them the only real use for the wii-mote was the free tackling which was impossible to do and would more likely send your hand flying then the opponent. The tackling being one of the best features in the first one if not an over powered one...losing by point...but yes point...I believe it was made the sole wii-mote related command because they knew people deeply desire to smash annoying nintendo characters into electric fences. Hence why everyone S***s a brick over smash brothers and justly so its an amazingly entertaining game. For those who don't know I have begun working at a game store now so I get to experience the mass forum of gamers. Which brings me to my next point...a customer came in ranting about games being bad I wasn't really paying attention to him as he wasn't attractive enough to gain my notice until he mentioned that the only reason people ever play RPGs in the old days was for the graphics and now there was no reason to because all games have about the same level of graphics...In which I had to think to myself how long would I spend in jail for braining him with the 360 he had just purchased. For starters RPGs now a days do seem to be more about competing graphically with other games rather than doing what they are supposed to...Role Playing Games thats what that stands for not Really Powerful Graphics...RPGs are meant to draw people in with the characters and story giving them something to relate to. Its my honest belief that playing RPGs growing up helped me understand not only myself but others not because I thought to myself hey this character is like me...because I thought to myself someone designed this character to identify with people like me that someone out there either knew someone or they themselves felt the same way I felt and that gives people a sense of worth knowing that maybe even just one other person out there in the world is liked minded. So F*** all your shiney graphics and hire a writer whose lived the last 6 years of his life bumming around the world to turn his stories into something people can feel like they are a part of. Sony...screw you and your lack of common sense...backwards compatibility made you original Blue Ray is worthless and to expensive for anyone, bring it back in 5 years...and for god sakes find the corporate spies who are trying to run you into the ground...Square Enix...you are bad people very very very bad people and I gleefully await ff13 knowing fully well that there is a 90% chances it too will be garbage. Microsoft...I have no idea what you think or do all of your choices baffle me both in there utter lack of thought and their vaulting success...you really do just stand behind your consumers injecting dopamine into there spinal columns...Finally you the readers and gamers...Most don't want to admit it but we've all become slaves to the industry Nintendo will pup out mediocre Mario games and SE will pup out FF games and microsoft will vomit up a new halo and everyone will buy them respectively and think they are golden magic happiness in a plastic case. But nowadays we all buy these things out of habit we don't know any better its a sad truth but gaming is a way of escaping the hardships of life and allowing us to have our own experiences within a safer and more comfortable place. RPGers play them to feel like they belong to something bigger to feel a sense of not being alone and being able to feel and experience things that maybe they never could in the real world. MMOers play them to feel connected to other people something all people feel deep down...that desire to be connected to another human being if only in a digital sense. Sports gamers play them to give themselves a sense of control and satisfaction much like fighting games it gives people a sense of value if only to themselves. Action Adventure games follow the same lines they give you a sense of accomplishment when they figure out that puzzle or collect all those small little w/e's. Then you have smaller genres like horror games and things of that nature which allow people to do live out deep seated fantasies that they'd normally be shunned for...which again is the true reason for gaming allowing us to experince things we can't or haven't yet experienced here in the real world weather it be a grand journey thru a fantasy world gather companions and making life or even world altering decisions. Maybe its to take you team to the play-offs even tho in reality you know they suck and never stood a chance. Maybe its just to have a way to connect with you kids and leave them something to remember you by. Just remember you are the consumer don't settle for crap if you find a game you love and enjoy play the hell out of it. Don't let yourself be tricked into thinking something is good because its pretty or novel, or maybe because its a squeal to something you like think hard about the games you play and voice your opinions then take that lesson to life.


Blogger Kit said...

I agree with Yuuki on all these points. A game is supposed to be fun, and if you're having fun with a game that no one else likes then screw them. All that matters is you. And if you hate a game that everyone says you should love, screw them too. No game is loved by all, and no game is hated by all. We review the games as we see fit; you're not expected to agree, but to get another opinion of something. As consumers, it is our job not to accept mediocre games. Maybe the golden age of gaming will once again return. probably not, but we can dream.

12/18/2007 3:30 PM  

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