Dynasty Warriors 6 (PS3/360)

Hurray Koei brings us another gem in the bread basket of their sales we call the Romance Era of China. Technically the 6th of the seires (actually more like the 411th or something like that) the game has a good amount of new features.
Gameplay: So the basic control of DW games is kill maim slaughter, and hack slash shoot and beat...until all the bad people are dead or running away to be killed later. Normally you'd go through getting weapons or level to earn you a new series of combos which is still there but now there is the Renbu system. Which works like this...the more combo you build up the higher your rank goes allowing you to get new moves if you've purchased the ablility to rank up to add to your maiming attack string. This means the more people you beat up the more people you can beat up which is a fun system. 4/5
Story: The story is the same as always a twisted version of the novel and historical events. So I'll talk about Story mode or Musuo mode which you'll take controll of a various historical character and play through 6 stages...the funny thing is some characters are little more than do nothing second player or free mode characters despite their historical weight...Koei gets weird somethimes... 3/5
Graphics: The graphics are at there best and a true test of the systems capabilities. Enviroments are alive and active. Character models are bright flush and interesting. Animation and cut scenes are on the same graphical level as the game which adds a nice feel to it. 5/5
Audio: The music is a little random some stages having a heavy metal theme with changes to a triumphant march as soon as your team starts when and then to Oh my god save me! as soo as they start losing all in all tho is rather good. 4/5
Replay: The stages and objectives can be tricky adding alot of replay value for those who like a challenge. The multitude of stories from the various characters and the ability to see history from different angles also helps. Though not as much in previous titles the game does have a good amount of reply. 4/5
Overall: The game is good definately one of the better in the series and with fresh and fun gameplay elements it has a lot to offer but at times it feels like they rushed it out half finished. Many of the characters not having stories the greater lack of the normal giant library of unlockables and this and that here and there make you wonder if they didn't just wanna get it out on time. Either way its a fun game worth getting for fans of hack & slash or the Romance era of china or people in silly crazy clothes hurting other people in silly crazy clothes. 4/5