Cranium: Kabooki (Wii) and Warriors of the Lost World (psp)
So, I'm not sure how old these games are, but I played them recently and thought I'd give some short reviews of each.
Story: This is a family fun time type game. There is no story. 2/5
Audio: The sound isn't that amazing. It's not supposed to be a musically intense game, but the sound and effects don't really do anything. 2/5
Graphics: Low level of graphics. Enough that you can see what you're doing, which I guess is all that's needed. 3/5
Gameplay: The game is you split into 2-4 teams and attempt to get 24 points first. You get points by successfully doing different challenges. Each round you spin a wheel and get a challenge. Some involve answering questions, some involve drawing, some involve playing music. The challenges can be fun; however, the game provides very little in the ways of information on how to complete these. And some of the challenges, mostly those that utilize the wii motes motion sensors are incredibly difficult to figure out. For example, the acting ones require you to move the wiimote in the action shown. You're supposed to hold down A and do the action. Neither the game nor the guide saythat you release A after completing the action, and many of the actions are difficult to figure out or do just right. Another involved solving a word puzzle and shifting the wiimote around to impute the word. It was very difficult to manage to get the letter you wanted, in fact we never managed to get one letter right in the time limit given. But for the bad, there are some good challenges too. It's all a matter of patience and luck. 3/5
Replay: IT's worth playing again assuming the people you played with didn't riot from how difficult some of the challenges were before. 3/5
Overall: It's a fun game with lots of potential. If the guide would be more explanatory,things would be better. But it was cheap, so maybe your family or friends would like to give it a shot. 3/5
Story: You are one of four heroes who is sent to investigate a variety of maze like dungeons around this city. It's not an amazing plot, but what do you expect from a dungeon crawler. 3/5
Audio: The music is meh as are the sound effects and vocalizations. 2/5
Graphics: The graphics aren't bad, but I wouldn't call them stellar. The dungeons are your traditional standard square segments. The walls and enemies and people all look kind of grainy. 3/5
Gameplay: It's a dungeon crawler hack'n'slash. You will be spamming buttons to do various attacks. You will pick one of four characters that will have different abilities. You can also pick their outfit, but this basically means decide which of the 5 colors you like best. At the end of the dungeons will be a boss that you must kill. Sometimes in the dungeons there are traps that you can try to manuever enemies into for more damage on them. You also get special attacks that you can equip which level up as you use them more. Some are more useful than others. The center of the game is a small town square where you restock on items or attempt to upgrade your weapons and armor. You can also barter items you've found for more items. You also use this time to adjust any stats you might have earned through leveling. The gameplay is standard dungeon hacking, so it's not bad. The town aspect could use some cleaning up or better explanation, but it's not bad. 3/5
Replay: I guess you could, that's your choice. 2/5
Overall: It's kinda entertaining, in a mindless sort of way. I'd definitely rent rather than buy. 3/5