Mario Striker : Charged (Wii)

Hey guys and girls let's see today I have Mario Strikers Charged the sequel to the GC version one of my most loved games. Let's go see how it did.
Gamepley: Kick the ball, pass the ball, and steal the ball. All in all the controls seem basic at first but as you go further in the game complicated methods and tactics become more necessary. The use of the Nunchunk is fun surprising tho it was rather useless in the grand scheme. The only glaring flaw to the gameplay is the tackling, there are to one which you tackle toward the ball no mtter what and it only serves to steal the ball. The other which requires you to throw your wii-mote arm in what ever direction you want to tackle which is exhausting and painful for little affect. 3/5
Story: Its a Mario sports game there really isn't one. Just beat your way through the tournies and unlock new people. 3/5
Graphics: The game looks nice all the characters even the supports have nice little details to them making the game feel a little more interactive. All the captains have awesome super kicks which are similar but all have a sort of unique twist on them. 5/5
Audio: The screams of being slammed into the fence aren't as good as they used to be which is a bit depressing and the audio in general is kind of bland with little to be said about it. 2/5
Replay: This will all depend on your thresh hold for annoyance. The computer characters are master of the tackling steal and exploiting all the games little tricks. You on the other hand will most likely give up the wii mote tackling as it difficult to both aim and time, not to mention it will quickly exhaust your wrists and arms. The recovering factor is the online play is mostly fun if you can find some good people or friends to play with. 3/5
Overall: Okay so the computers with in minutes become way better than you and will do things with little effort that would take a human player and insane skill level to accomplish. The actual tournies are long and you'll often make it to the final only to have the computer score on you in some sneaky way you which you thought of. The super strikes are you best option but by the third tournament even if you time it perfectly they're going to block it and then laugh at you. The real saving Grace is playing with friends and only is really fun, rent it or even buy it just for that. 3/5