Super Mario Strikers (GC)
Reviewed by Kit and Yuuki

This is a Mario sports game. Soccer if you really must know. You kick the ball, you pass the ball, you kick Peach into the electric fence…or was that only us? Ok…there’s not much to explain so let’s get to the review.
Graphics: Graphically it’s the best of the Mario sports games yet. It uses Gamecube’s graphical cuteness to its fullest. There are nice little cute scenes for doing super strikes, a goal kicking move that earn you two points. After a while they become annoying though, and are a bit generic. 4/5
Audio: The screams were nice. Voice acting was good, at least for a sports game. The best of the Mario sports games. There are cheering crowds, ball kicking noises, and Peach’s screams of pain….Have we mentioned how much that entertains us? 5/5
Gameplay: There are four main buttons to be aware of. A passes, B kicks, Y tackles or dekes, and X uses items. The game is simple enough to pick up but there are more difficult skills to develop as well, such as perfect passes and super strikes. Team captains can perform super strikes, which though difficult to master are extremely useful, again 2 points per goal with them. A team is comprised of one captain and three players. The players can be Birdo, Hammer Bros, Koopas, and Toads. Each has its own strengths. I like Birdos for their tackling range, while Toads are nice because of their speed. The main purpose of the game is to play eight cups. The rewards for these are more cups opened up. Nothing exciting. It is much more fun to bring in friends to control the entire team. 5/5
Story: There isn’t one. It’s a sports game. Maybe there’s something involving Bowser…as he randomly shows up to cause mayhem, and you get to meet some of his minions in the final cups. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is tossing Peach into the walls. 2/5
Replay: After you beat the cups, it’s much more fun to use as a party game. There are also trophies for doing certain things..such as knocking people down. These open special items to use in grudge matches (the none cup version of gameplay). They’re not that necessary, but very neat. 5/5
Overall: There is little limit to how much fun you can have with this game. It’s fun by itself, but with people it’s excellent. Besides actually playing soccer, you’ll have a large amount of fun tackling and punting the ball around. And there is always Peach’s screams. 5/5